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Crime Talk with Scott Reisch

Scott Reisch host Crime Talk. A criminal trial attorney for 23 years discusses, legal issues, the Constitution, and hosts guests regarding trending issues. With Scott's grab them by the collar questions he gets to the truth.

Aug 29, 2019

Scott touches on the naked criminal police chase, a woman throwing her infant over a fence, a tragedy in houston, the Lori Loughlin update, and Prager U. Also would you be interested in a Crime Talk Patreon group?

Aug 28, 2019

#opioids #johnsonandjohnson #oxy Scott Reisch hosts Crime Talk. A criminal trial attorney for 24 years discusses, legal issues, the Constitution, and hosts guests regarding trending...

Aug 20, 2019

#chriswatts #nicholkessinger #shannanwatts #amberguyger #avenatti

Chris Watts house is causing trouble at auction, Avenatti is in hot water, Amber Guyger in court, and a burned down house rendesvouz! Let's Talk About It!

Aug 13, 2019

#ChrisWatts #ShannanWatts #NicholKessinger #BellaWatts #CelesteWatts #Rzucek #ScottReisch


The Chris Watts Case, one year later Scott Reisch breaks down a Timeline of the Events.