Aug 29, 2019
Scott touches on the naked criminal police chase, a woman throwing her infant over a fence, a tragedy in houston, the Lori Loughlin update, and Prager U. Also would you be interested in a Crime Talk Patreon group?
Aug 28, 2019
#opioids #johnsonandjohnson #oxy Scott Reisch hosts Crime Talk. A criminal trial attorney for 24 years discusses, legal issues, the Constitution, and hosts guests regarding trending...
Aug 20, 2019
#chriswatts #nicholkessinger #shannanwatts #amberguyger #avenatti
Chris Watts house is causing trouble at auction, Avenatti is in hot water, Amber Guyger in court, and a burned down house rendesvouz! Let's Talk About It!
Aug 13, 2019
#ChrisWatts #ShannanWatts #NicholKessinger #BellaWatts #CelesteWatts #Rzucek #ScottReisch
The Chris Watts Case, one year later Scott Reisch breaks down a Timeline of the Events.